Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Wrapping up Fish in a Tree with a Celebration

We have been so busy lately, we haven't had much time to share what our class is doing.  Here is a bit of an update.

This week we are completing our "Strut your Stuff Challenge" to show what we know about Fish in a Tree.  Be sure to watch Lynda Mullaly Hunt read the final chapter and answer questions.  You can find her video on our Fish in a Tree page of this blog.

We are preparing to have our very own version of a "Fantastico Friday."  Cupcakes, games, chess, art, pickle cars and "Alice in Wonderland" will probably be involved in one form or another.  We hope to share our celebration with our buddy class too.  Students are also looking forward to some time to "munch and crunch" at the end of the day.  Yes, students are welcome to bring a snack to share.

Remember to check out Ally's sketchbook at Lynda Mullaly Hunt's website for ideas.  You can follow the link here: http://www.lyndamullalyhunt.com/books/fish-in-a-tree/the-sketchbook-of-impossible-things/

Finally, we were fortunate to receive 2 ipad minis and 2 Osmos from the Fuel Your School initiative sponsored by Chevron.  We should be getting access to those ipads soon.  In the mean time, we will try out the Osmo using Mrs. Elie's ipad.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Global Read Aloud Continues

Although we are a bit behind from the global schedule, we are almost finished "Fish in a Tree."  Lynda Mullaly Hunt reads chapter 42 and answers questions from some readers.  We thought the title for this chapter was particularly funny.

You can watch the video here:

We also looked at Lynda Mullaly Hunt's new website and we examined some of Ally's drawings in her sketchbook of impossible things.
Here is the link: http://www.lyndamullalyhunt.com/books/fish-in-a-tree/the-sketchbook-of-impossible-things/

We continue to work on asking and answering questions as well as making connections to the book.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Raz Kids Independent Reading Practice

Today students were given passwords and shown the Raz Kids Website.
Students are encouraged to read independently for 15-20 minutes per day at home.
The leveled books on this website will help students track their progress and improve their comprehension skills.

Here is the link: https://www.kidsa-z.com/main/Login

Happy Reading!