Some Highlights from our Duckling Adventures 2020
From Jan - March our Class was fortunate to participate in an Eggucation adventure. I would recommend this program. Here is the link for people interested in the program: Eggucation Website .
Our ducklings hatched on Feb 5th and we celebrated their 1 month birthday on March 5th. Many classes in the school studied the eggs and visited the ducklings. We named them Lightning, Thunder and Storm. We worked with our K-1 buddies on duck science: we recorded observations, wrote a duck story, created art, researched facts, read duck inspired fiction, and helped our K-1 buddies make a book on their ipads using Book Creator. We had helpful staff and families that arranged overnight and weekend getaway adventures. We were able to participate in this program because the Moody Elementary PAC provided the financial resources. Here are some photos - most were posted to our twitter account as they happened. Visit @ClassElie on twitter.