It is hard to believe it is already October. September was very busy this year. We had our Welcome Back Assembly, Terry Fox Assembly, and our Truth and Reconciliation Honouring Gathering where we listened to the story of residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad, founder of Orange Shirt Day. In addition, we created our Class Charter, participated in the school Terry Fox run, enjoyed an Open House with BBQ for families, and introduced the school to our Ambearrister when our class led the Truth and Reconciliation Honouring Gathering.
October is also filled with fun events. We start with our first ever "Turkey Trot," on October 5th complete with Pie Draw Assembly. Next we will have a Ho Down and a "Surprise" event on October 25th. Please remember to bring a sturdy bag. Finally our annual Halloween parade on Oct 31 after the morning announcements. Grade 4s will also complete FSAs and we should begin the Global Read Aloud book, A Rover's Story. Finally, during this month, interim reports will be sent home and there will be early dismissal days for parents who want to meet with Mrs. Elie. Details will be sent home soon!
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